How do you Change the name of Circuits..?

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How do you Change the name of Circuits..?

Post by taocontrol »

How do you Change the name of Circuits..?
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Re: How do you Change the name of Circuits..?

Post by admin »

You can double click on empty space or click menu Circuit/Logical Circuit. In the dialog you can change properties of circuit.
For more details please see this help page:
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Re: How do you Change the name of Circuits..?

Post by Garbaz »

When double-clicking the void or selecting "Circuit->Logical Circuit", no dialog appears, but the window get "unselected" (Can't click anything until I press ESC or ENTER).
Every other dialog works fine and I still can use the dialog blindly by pressing TAB to go through the text boxes, but its quite annoying.
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Re: How do you Change the name of Circuits..?

Post by admin »

That is strange. Try to close all running instances of the program, and then delete settings file: "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LogicCircuit\Settings.xml"
You ca do it in two ways. First: press “Windows” + R keys on your keyboard. The run window should open. Type:
del "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LogicCircuit\Settings.xml"
and click OK button.
Alternatively you can open you windows explorer and copy/paste to the address bar the following text:
You should see one file: Settings.xml. Just delete this file.
After the file was deleted try to run LogicCircuit again. Hopefully this time it should show circuit dialog correctly.
Please let me know if you resolve the problem.
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Re: How do you Change the name of Circuits..?

Post by Garbaz »

The problem were gone once I dragged the program window a bit around. Don't have a clue why it happened.
Thanks for the reply anyway!
Will keep it in mind, in case the problem reappears.
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