Some suggestions

If you have something to say about LogicCircuit program or you know how to improve it please share it here.
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Some suggestions

Post by HansWerner »

Dear Admin,

as a hobby project LogicCircuit is a powerful program.
I only did a few tries to get a working example and I will go on.
What I miss most are libraries. As I understand you can only copy a part of a model into another model.
The icons do have a clear design, but what standard have you used for the icons ?
How can I go up in a hierarchical model ? I can go down by a double click on an icon.
The ability to configure the models in the menu makes the menu very large.
Wouldn't it be better to configure the number of pins and other things after inserting the model into the diagramm by using a context menu ?
Sorry, I'm accustomed to Matlab und Simulink and also LabView.
I also would like to have the possibility to initialize output ports of flip flops.
Using a context menu in the project menu for copying and pasting models into another diagramm would also be fine.
I will try to model an electronic dice.

Thank you for reading.
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Re: Some suggestions

Post by admin »

Hi Hans,
Thank you for using the program and making suggestions.
I hope community can create some libraries. Yes, you can import as many circuits from another project as you want with File/Import dialog.
If you are talking about icons or symbols of logical gates like AND, OR, XOR, etc., then you can change them via menu Tools/Options in the dialog choose Gate shape.
There is no navigation up in the hierarchical model. The reason is there are many other circuits that may use the current one. You can navigate to the most recent by pressing Ctrl/Tab or Ctrl/Shift/Tab. If you hold Ctrl and press Tab multiple times you will navigate deeper in the history.
I do not quite understand what configuration menu you are talking about. Can you please clarify?
Do you refer to number of pins to configure in gates only? If yes, then this is pretty good idea to implement. I’ll try to prioritize it and will implement in one of the future versions.
Flip-flops initialization is responsibility of implementer so if you need this functionality, you can easily add it. If you want to reset or set it when the power turned on you can look for some idea how to do this in the following topic in this forum:
When you’ll have your electronic dice working you can share it with others here on the forum.
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