
If you have something to say about LogicCircuit program or you know how to improve it please share it here.
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Post by djlewis »


Thanks for this program, by far the best free circuit simulator around. I am using it with a couple of students -- it's ideal for teaching.

The features to package circuits and implement multi-line buses are particularly excellent.

I am happy to see the author/admin is active on the forum. But I wonder what plans there are for continuing to develop the program, given that the last release is about 2 years old.

Also, any thoughts of making a web-based version?

Thanks. --David
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Re: Plans?

Post by admin »

Hi David,
Thank you for using it.
Yes the new version is coming. It was already done some improvements on internals of the program and added few features that people was asking – like notation text on pins, import circuits from other project files, and some other. A few other new features are coming. I think a new version will be available in a couple of months, but as it is my hobby project I can spend only some little time on it I can’t promise any particular release date.
I am not planning any web version so far.
Please let me know what you are waiting from a new version.
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Re: Plans?

Post by djlewis »

The features you mention are perfect ones -- things I was thinking of myself. One other would be more sophisticated handling of lines and connections. I realize that's potentially a big project.

As for a web-based version, it's something I've toyed with over the last few years, but have not had the time to consider. Plus, I'd have to learn javascript, though this would be a perfect project as a learning vehicle. The emergence of coffescript and the popularity of ruby (which I am an advanced novice at) makes it less intimidating. Perhaps in the future. Having seen your version, I would use it as a model, if that's OK with you -- it's really excellent! I'd hope to be able to leverage some existing code or project for the drawing functionality, though I have not looked around to see what's available.

Thanks. --David
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Re: Plans?

Post by admin »

The main problem with the web version is you will need to have some server side storage as web client restricted from using hard drive, and so you’ll need not only the client code but also some server part with all the hassle of managing users and their passwords.
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