Unable to choose pin direction for in- and outputs

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Unable to choose pin direction for in- and outputs

Post by LogicFreak »

I've got latest version of LogicCircuit. Seems that the choice of pin directions doesn't work for input and output symbols? For switch, fixed signal and sensor it works fine.
BR, LogicFreak
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Re: Unable to choose pin direction for in- and outputs

Post by admin »

Can you please clarify what you mean by this? May be try to show some pictures to illustrate the problem.
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Re: Unable to choose pin direction for in- and outputs

Post by LogicFreak »

Hi, pls. see attached.

When placing a switch, I can choose whether the connection pin shall face north, east, south or west. I can do so
- prior to placement by selection the desired direction from the dropdown menu
- after placement by rotating with ctrl-r

When placing an input or an output terminal, I can't choose:
- There is the same dropdown menu as for switches or fixed 0 / 1 signals, but regardless of my choice input pins face east, output pins face west
- after placement: ctrl-r does nothing

Bug or feature? Or do I miss something?

My version:

BR, LogicFreak
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Re: Unable to choose pin direction for in- and outputs

Post by admin »

For pins this means which side of the circuit symbol it will be placed. So when you will use current circuit the pin will be on the side of the symbol.
Having both settings for pin side on the symbol and position of the jam dot on the pin itself will be too confusing for user. You should be able to rotate the pin left or right though. So it should not be critical.
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Re: Unable to choose pin direction for in- and outputs

Post by LogicFreak »

Thanks for fast reply. I'm afraid I don't understand your answer.

I suppose "jam dot" is the small, black-filled semi circle where wires can attach?

My point is: There are dropdown menus that offer whether jam dot faces north, east, south or west. These dropdown menus are present (from top to bottom) for inputs, outputs, switches, signal sources, sensors.

However, if you make one of the four offered choices, they get applied for switches, signal sources and sensors. Your choice does not have any effect for inputs or outputs.

I find this very confusing. Why is there a dropdown menu offering choices if it obviously yields no effect?

Have a look at the clock generator. There is no such choice. The jam dot always faces east.

I don't understand your point
Having both settings for pin side on the symbol and position of the jam dot on the pin itself will be too confusing for user.
What is the difference between "pin side on the symbol" and "jam dot on the pin itself"?

My opinion: LogicCircuit is great software for educational purposes (by the way: Have many thanks for creating and sharing!). In this context, we are faced with beginners. My students are struggling hard with Boolean algebra, every little bit additional complication yields disproportionate confusion.
See attached D-latch example #3: Admittedly ultra excessive - just to focus out my point.

BR, LogicFreak
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Re: Unable to choose pin direction for in- and outputs

Post by admin »

The labels of the drop down are different Side vs Pin Side.
For example for a button it's where the little dot is located on the symbol of the button itself.
For the pins it's where the little dot will be located on other circuit that is uses current one.
MyCircuit.png (27.4 KiB) Viewed 33914 times
The input pin is located at the top, but not the top of the pin but the symbol of MyCircuit.
Circuit Project.Main.Png
Circuit Project.Main.Png (1.03 KiB) Viewed 33914 times
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