Creating a circuit

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Creating a circuit

Post by Cyborg7 »

Hello All, I just discovered this little gem of a program (Logic Circuit), but I am at a loss as how to create a circuit, Even after readingthe help files still not sure, so my questions are
1- Do I have to create aeach component manually? Ex: a 4017 counter and make a library? if so How Do i do that?
2-Where do i Keep libraries?

I use a Prgram called circuit wizzard and it has pre made libraries where user joins them to make a circuit.

3- If I make a component in Logic Circuit program, can i Use this component inCircuit wizzard or Vica versa?

Thank you very much beforehand for your help

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Re: Creating a circuit

Post by admin »

Try to watch the video someone put on YouTube:
Start with some simple circuit.
For existing libraries, you can search this forum. People already put together some useful stuff.
There is no any converters between these two programs as far as I know.
Good luck with you designs,
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