Game 4 in line / CPU

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Game 4 in line / CPU

Post by HugoKlein »

Google translator:
Excuse my brief english.
First I would like to congratulate and thank the program, this is excellent.
I'm developing this game, the system might fluctuate, or has an erratic behavior when exceeding 10000 components?
Since I check the components one by one and work correctly, then when they're all assembled and depending on the use you give to my system (opening other applications such as Word, Excel, etc ...) components behave illogically .
In fact sometimes I have to press the switch several times to start the game properly. This gives me the pattern that all memory initialization does not occur in the same way.
Already thank you very much again for Logical Circuit.
Disculpen mi escueto ingles.
Primero quisiera felicitar y agradecer por el programa, este es excelente.
Estoy desarrollando este juego, ¿puede ser que el sistema fluctué, o tenga un comportamiento errático cuando se superan los 10000 componentes?
Puesto que compruebo los componentes uno a uno y funcionan correctamente, luego cuando están todos ensamblados y dependiendo de el uso que le doy a mi sistema (abriendo otras aplicaciones tales como Word, Excel, etc...) los componentes se comportan de forma ilógica.
De hecho a veces tengo que presionar el interruptor varias veces para que arranque de forma correcta el juego. Esto me da la pauta que la inicialización de todas las memorias no ocurre de la misma forma.
Desde ya muchas gracias nuevamente por Logical Circuit.
Game 4 in line
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Re: Game 4 in line / CPU

Post by HugoKlein »

Good afternoon, I optimized some components actually, now I have less than 10,000 components and works ok, only I have problems at initialization.
optimized file attachment
Buenas tarde, efectivamente optimicé algunos componentes, ahora tengo menos de 10000 componentes y funciona ok, solo tengo problemas en la inicialización.
adjunto archivo optimizado
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Re: Game 4 in line / CPU

Post by admin »

Thank you for bringing up the issue. I’d be glad to investigate it, but I need to have a little bit more information from you.
Can you please let me know what exactly you see in the behavior of other applications?
Can you describe your system? What CPU and how many of them, how much memory. What is the CPU utilization you see when running your game? You can get this information from windows task manager. To launch it you can press Ctrl-Shift-Esc on your keyboard.
Thank you,
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Re: Game 4 in line / CPU

Post by HugoKlein »

Thanks for responding, my English is very bad, maybe that's why the problem was not understood.
When a circuit has more than 10000 components (in my case were more than 23,000 components), I see strange things like the following:


the error might not occur the next time you run.
But it all started to work well when the number of components was less.
Where most times I saw the anomaly was in the splitters. sometimes in combinations of gates AND and OR

I do not study electronics, I am net developer, I love "logic circuit" for my free time.
I hope not too much to ask, it will be able to assign keys to the buttons in future versions?

Greetings and thank you very much.

Gracias por responder, mi ingles es muy malo, tal vez por eso no se entendió el problema.
Cuando un circuito tiene más de 10000 componentes (en mi caso eran más de 23000 componentes), veo cosas extrañas como las siguientes:

el error no ocurre tal vez en la próxima vez que ejecuta.
Pero todo comenzó a funcionar bien cuando la cantidad de componentes era menor.
Donde más veces vi la anomalía fue en los splitters, a veces en combinaciones de compuertas AND and OR

Yo no estudie electrónica, soy desarrollador de .net, me encanta “logic circuit” para mis tiempos libres.
Espero no sea mucho pedir, se podrá poder asignar teclas a los botones en futuras versiones?
Saludos y muchas gracias.
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Re: Game 4 in line / CPU

Post by admin »

Can you give me the file with those 23000 components and let me know which of the splitters are not working correctly?
Can you also please explain what do you mean by keys assign to the buttons?
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Re: Game 4 in line / CPU

Post by HugoKlein »

I do not know if it makes sense to give this project, I abandoned long ago because he behaved erratically at times, and I suspect that is why the number of components (38490). Works well after component failure, I put a probe and then works fine and other component failure, is random failing component. I do not know if it makes sense to analyze it. Anyway what no_working_correctly attachment named

With respect to the button, if possible to be able to assign a key to run the click of a button, for example "CTR + A", "1", "A" etc ... This would be useful for the design of some applications and to more easily test any components that are in deeper levels

Thanks for your patience.
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Re: Game 4 in line / CPU

Post by admin »

I have sent you email. Can you please let me know if you get my message?
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