part-08. ARMCB + Display

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Hans Cadans
Posts: 57
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:30 pm

part-08. ARMCB + Display

Post by Hans Cadans »

In this new topic, the displays are implemented.
Dislays are not supplied with a hex-to-7segment decoder. In this case I've used a LUT
(Look Up Table).

There two versions of the display. One version approaches the real world most.
In a sense, that they can be considered as used in a multiplexed way.
The other version has it's own memory.

I've written a routine, that shows you the name of this design.
The name comes scrolling in from the right hand.
The same routine will be used (less or more) for scanning the keyboard.

SU next time.
Hans Cadans
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