part-07. ARMCB + Procedures

In this forum, we're going to build/design, together, a fully programmable computer, "bit by bit".
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Hans Cadans
Posts: 57
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:30 pm

part-07. ARMCB + Procedures

Post by Hans Cadans »

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry, that I'm not on time with writing the new topic.
Alas I'm a week later than I hoped.

The last three weeks, when I was designing the I/O-hardware, I realised that the possibility of calling procedures
would be very easy. So the topic introduces you to calling subroutines. Also I implemented PUSH-/POP-instructions.
The PUSH-instruction, saves the value of a register in memory, for later use. POP-instruction gets this value back.

Last week when I finished these instructions, I realised that these instructions affect the flags.
They are not meant to do this. So I had to change them.

Now implementing the I/O- routines will be much easier.
This week I'm gonna start, making these routines

Best regards
Hans Cadans
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